Tag Archives: crazy

New Ryan Gosling and Steve Carell film get’s a poster…..

Crazy, Stupi, Love get’s a new poster….

i hope that's Marisa Tomei's leg.....

It’s good to see Steve Carell will be playing against type as a down on his luck, lovelorn, uptight yet likable bloke….

I actually like Steve Carell, I think he puts in great performances in 40 year-old virgin, Dan in Real Life and Little Miss Sunshine and The US Office is very fuuny. Despite the fact it looks like a generic romcom/ rip off of Hitch (which sucked) I actually have kind of high hopes for this, I mean look at the cast!

Plus the trailer was suprisingly funny –

According to IMDB Crazy, Stupid, Love is due to hit the UK September 2