Tag Archives: comedy

Nicolas Winding Refn & Ryan Gosling to team up again

The Director – Actor Team are set for yet another collaboration, this time a New York set RomCom…

It seems Refn and Gosling have become inseperable, with the soon to be released Drive followed by Logan’s Run the two have made sure they’ve been working together for some time. But it seems that this is not enough as Refn announced plans to work on “a romantic comedy set in New York, which seems like a great place to start.”

Gosling has a lot of projects coming up at the minute (Crazy Stupid Love. Drive, The Gangster Squad, Logan’s Run, The Ides of March, The Place Beyond The Pines), especially when you consider that he used to pick his parts very sparingly (he went from 2007’s Lars and The Real Girl to 2010’s Blue Valentine without working on acting projects), let’s hope the quality of his work doesn’t drop. He is in my opinion one of the very best actors of his generation and I would hate to see his standards drop at all.